Monday, June 21, 2010

Introducing my blog

I teach computer science and research services science, business process management (BPM) and business execution frameworks in their many glorious manifestations. These are things we've been looking at in the Decision Systems Lab for over a decade. There is much to say about what has been happening and what could happen in this space - so I've been talked into setting up a blog by my many colleagues, graduate students and co-conspirators. I propose to talk about strategic service management, flexible process management, lifecycle management, compliance management and a host of related issues. I will also talk about Green BPM and how green thinking can influence systems development (these are questions that we've been looking at in the Carbon-Centric Computing Initiative). Some of the discussion will involve clinical process and service management - questions that we're addressing within the Centre for Oncology Informatics. If nothing else, I will hopefully feel good about putting in the public domain some of my thinking about these challenging issues . At least, I will have said it...